Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Farewell Dear Flowers

The nectar is sweet
When it seems like it's my last
I may not be able
To wait
Until they all come back

My flowers

-The Bee

Fall is NOW.
Leaves start to change their greenish color to red or orange or brown.
Later on, they will fall.

HERE, you find more reason for Carpe Diem.

You see it everyday.


e R L y N said...

greenish...very engish hahaha mwah!

~eng~ said...

OMG!! Don't get the wrong idea, dear fans. I'm not greenish. I'm blueblooded! ^_^

e R L y N said...

oh well! not that green.. i mean, the morphological structure of the word is so engish...hahahaa oh my! what am i saying???

~eng~ said...

nyahahahaha.. really? now i have a brand of language. "in eng's terms..." "according to engness" etc. hahaha!